RuPaul Drag Winner Tyra Sanchez Has “No Sympathy For People That Commit Suicide”
RuPaul Drag Winner Tyra Sanchez recently sent a tweet out saying “I Have No Sympathy For People That Commit Suicide. They’re Cowards”. She then went on to post on Facebook a longer explanation:
Dear everyone that has me fifty shades of fucked up,
I will not apologize for my opinion. It’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it. I have no sympathy for people who take their own lives. I believe they are cowards that just gave in and gave up. They don’t have a problem with me saying it, if they did they would address it. Oh no wait… The selfish cowards are no longer here. If anyone is gonna receive an ounce of my sympathy it’s going to be the families they left behind. The ones that are still here suffering. That’s who I sympathize with. There are tons of organizations in the world that are designed to help anyone that is depressed in life. They didn’t seek to find help, instead they chose to give up!
For those of you saying that it was their only way out and they had no other choice… I say to you BULLSHIT! To me you’re the one encouraging suicide. You’re just making excuses for it to be okay for one to take their own life. If you all want to join hands and sing Kumbaya for the people that are no longer here then be my guest. It’s your decision and I don’t hate you for it, however, wouldn’t it be wise to use that energy to help the ones that are still here with the desire and courage to find happiness.
For everyone writing me saying, “I’ve been suicidal since age 11 and you’re just an insensitive drag queen bitch and I hope you die!” I say to you GOOD FOR YOU! No one is going to throw you a pity party. If you’ve been suicidal since age 11 then you’ve known for years that you have the ability to seek help. Try seeking help instead of bashing me for an opinion that obviously didn’t concern you. Obviously you’re alive, not dead. Obviously you didn’t take the cowardly route. Obviously you know how to use a computer and its quite obvious you have enough courage to write me horrible things. Take some of that courage and use it towards something good like googling an adventure to find your own happiness. Have you ever heard of The Secret?
For everyone writing me saying you don’t know what it’s like, you’ve never been bullied, you’ve never been depressed, you’ve never had to go through anything! I say to you GET A GRIP ON LIFE. Everyone goes through things. Everyone has a story! A little insight for you, here’s my story…
I was bullied for most of my life. My nickname at school was Gay James (BTW I didn’t identify as gay at the time). People taunted me. I wouldn’t even go to the school bus stop because I was afraid. I’d wait on the porch until I saw the bus and then I’d run to it when I saw it coming. All the while wishing for a seat near the driver so that someone would protect me.
At age 16 I was thrown out of the house. HOMELESS. I worked two jobs while in high school in order to pay for the hotel I was living in. Did I give up? No. Was I depressed? Extremely! But I kept going until one day I ended up on a little show called RuPaul’s Drag Race.
After winning drag race I was bombarded with tons of hate mail from people all over the world because their favorite queen didn’t win. Such rude things that you could never imagine from people who I never even met. Of course I became depressed and one lonely night in Toronto, Canada I attempted to end my life. Had I succeeded, I too would have been a coward. Giving up because of what other people said to me. Instead I fought for my life and my own happiness. I learned to ignore such ignorance from humans.
Everyday since RuPaul’s Drag Race aired I (and many other contestants) continue to receive death threats, mean tweets and flat out hate from everyone including you. Yet I always ignore it, until last week. When someone decided to tweet me,
“Tyra Sanchez is the most annoying thing I ever watched???”
In which I decided to respond, “Girl kill yourself” OH WAIT STOP THE PRESS lets bash Tyra because she told someone “Kill yourself”. Had I told her to go fuck herself would that be more pleasing to you? Maybe I should have advised her to play in traffic or to kick rocks? She wouldn’t literally go fuck herself and I’m more than sure she wouldn’t literally go outside and find some rocks to kick. Now I’m not sure she would not have mind playing a game or two of dodge ball with Toyota and Buick, but I’m damn sure she didn’t literally kill herself. So to all of you fucks writing me horrible things I say to you, KILL YOURSELF!
Tough love,
-America’s Sweetheart
I never signed up to be a role model. I’m not asking you to follow me. You decided that on your own. So as your leader I’m not going to throw you a surprise pity party! Grow some balls! Grow a backbone and stand up for your life and own happiness. Suicide is not the answer. Don’t be a coward. If anyone wants to bully you tell them to fuck off, go play in traffic and to kick rocks.
“Let go of difficulties from your past, cultural codes, and social beliefs. You are the only one who can create the life you deserve.
Begin to use the two most powerful words, I AM, to your advantage. How about, “I AM receiving every good thing. I AM happy. I AM abundant. I AM healthy. I AM love. I AM eternal youth. I AM filled with energy every single day.”
Sounds to us like she maybe hopes to prevent suicide by telling people its a horrible thing in which it is. On the other side you can’t exactly say this to the gay teens that have killed themselves after being bullied or soldiers that have came back with PTSD. Yes, you have to be a strong person and try your best not to commit suicide in hardships. For instance, I had shingles at one point in my life and I told my DR if it happens again I am done. It is way too much pain even even with every pain killer that is available nothing blocks the pain of shingles. You want to drown yourself or shoot yourself in the head. If I would have had a gun I would have shot myself. Just saying.
I am glad Tyra Sanchez started the conversation on suicide and do not think she deserves to lose her crown because of her opinion on the matter. While what this Ru Pauls Drag Race winner said is not exactly respectful to people who have died it opens up a conversation. Read more here about bullying and suicide.
Some of her fans are not amused that she has not issued an apology:
Josh Wilson commented that “I still don’t see an apology for what you said, you keep hiding under all these life “truths” and self empowerment bullshit. Admit you fucked up apologise and learn from your mistake.” Then Tyra Sanchez responded “And you won’t.”
She does have one good point. Ignore your haters:
“Moving on. You should too. Enjoy your day. Live your life. Be strong. Never give up. Ignore your haters, tell them to kick rocks”
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