Wedding Wars premieres tonight at 9 p.m. on A&E. The Boston Globe covered the movie in their Arts & Entertainment section here.

One odd sight on the “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”-type shows is of gay men fussing over the wedding tuxedo s and silky gowns of their straight subjects. There’s sweetness, affection, and expertise in the act, and yet there’s cold irony, too. Gay men can’t marry their partners in most states, even if they can protect blushing marrieds from oily skin and lighting gaffes from coast to coast.

A&E’s “Wedding Wars,” tonight at 9, frowns directly at this inequality, and yet it is anything but didactic. The made-for-TV movie takes all of the tense political and moral lather about gay marriage in the United States and folds it into a frothy romantic comedy that refuses to take itself too seriously

You can find Maria on MySpace here and read her current call for essays on femme identity here. Pick up Queer Shorts, her new anthology, at