I could think of a few worse things that could happen in life. Maybe a tax on jeans or shoes that would really hurt us. You have to admit that the gays will get hit hard by any kind of tanning or cosmetic tax because we like to stay beautiful.

In a way to make funds to pave the way for the new Healthcare bill our Congress has came up with a creative gesture with a 10% tax on tanning services. This could help create over 2.5 Billion in tax revenues that our government would not normally see but in a span of ten years.

Tanning is something that is similar to our sins that we do not really need. Although some doctors argue that we need it for Vitamin D, but that would only be in certain tanning beds and only for a few minutes a week versus spending every other day in the tanning bed. The light from outside is much more beneficial but only in certain parts of the US and certain times of the day.

Ten percent is really not too bad of a tax on tanning and you have to say that lots of teens spend too much money freely on things such as tanning that they could be spending on better things. Well if they are not spending it on tanning I guess they could spend it on clothes or a new iPhone or music. But we know they will probably trade sin for sin and spend it on cigarettes or beer. Tanning could be made more sexy the more it is regulated.

The indoor tanning industry is already consolidating at a rapid pace as the belts are tightening up with the recession. With companies such as Planet Tan and Palm Beach Tan with many more soon to follow they are worried about the impact of even higher costs in their salons.

Botox treatments were another cosmetic treatment that was being thrown around to be taxed or not. This was going to be called the BoTax which has the potential to generate over $5.5 billion over ten years. This supposedly could generate more than tanning taxes but the American Academy of Dermatology Association and the AMA both opposed the 5% tax on cosmetic procedures. Although, Botox and most cosmetic procedures do not have the skin cancer risk of tanning beds.

They certainly want to tax something related to this industry so we are not sure what it will be yet but what do you think? Do you think tanning salons deserve this new tax or people trying to look younger?