Eviction proceedings have started (a hearing takes place today) against Youth Pride Inc., Rhode Island’s only non-profit group for queer youth. The organization holds a three-year lease for its current Providence location, which is in a complex that was recently sold.

Michelle Duso, Executive Director of Youth Pride Inc., explains that “they claim we are improperly using the premises as a social gathering place and such use is wholly inconsistent with the agreement and the other uses of the property.”

Youth Pride Inc. alleges discrimination.

“Bullying YPI and our youth by towing vehicles, refusing parking passes to valid tenants, locking doors to the building during YPI office hours and literally turning out youth away is egregious,” Duso said.

The new landlord claims he simply does not want the building to be used as mixed-use space any longer.

“It’s incredibly insulting,” said new owner Bill DiStefano. “I don’t know what’s going on. You know, we bought a property in Providence that we want to revitalize. It’s been in rough condition. We want to change the property and better it.”