Palin Gay Rights
Does Alaska Govenor Sarah Palin support gay rights? Well according to an article in the Anchorage Daily News she sort of does.
Gov. Sarah Palin vetoed a bill Thursday that sought to block the state from giving public employee benefits such as health insurance to same-sex couples.
Sen. John McCain’s VP pick Sarah Palin was not exactly backing gay marriage with this veto. Palin supported the 1998 constitutional amendment on gay marriage.
There are lots of things we do not know about her until the upcoming debates she will have with Joe Biden. We will learn more then but it does not look like shes much of a gay rights advocate even though she supposedly “has good friends that are gay.” She still has to keep her day job and I doubt she an keep that Republican name tag if she starts going up against the religious right.
How about this pic on the left of Sarah Palin. Well actually its an entertainer at Charlie’s Chicago but it sure looks like the VP pick. The fake Sarah Palin may be more gay rights friendly and be a true maverick. And why is the VP pick called an Alaskan Maverick anyway? What exactly has she done that she has not flip flopped on – she even flip flopped on the bridge to nowhere!
Sarah is red neck. Her husband works in the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life-time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and
bears. Millions of Alaska state dollars have gone to aerial hunting of these predators, dollars that should have been spent on Alaska’s failing school system, with the lowest high school graduation rate in USA. A strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet McCain says she has “green” policies. Green like in her lack of experience! She supports drilling in ANWR, coal-burning power plants, strip mining, and anything to exploit resources of Alaska and its environment.
Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla, a small red-neck town outside Anchorage. The average education of parents of junior high school kids there is tenth grade.
Sarah Palin is involved in a political corruption scandal, firing an individual in law enforcement here because she didn’t like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce.
When you line Palin up with Biden, the comparison is laughable. Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics, like McCain. She has not been exposed to international affairs, national government, Social Security, unemployment, or health care systems. Picture her meeting with heads of foreign governments.
Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president and John McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him (if elected), she would have to step in.
Palin is McCain’s cheap shot to get Hillary supporters Yet she compares herself to Hillary and Geraldine Ferraro! If you supported Hillary, don’t consider Sarah Palin a worthy substitute. Choosing her shows how unqualified McCain is to be president.
Conservative have no choice for president and I guess you can live with McCain’s poor judgement. Political posturing is inherent in the choice of Palin. But the more serious issue is that she would be a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Sarah Palin is totally and unequivocally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president. lists more of the gay rights that Palin does not believe in. A McCain/Palin ticket is a vote against gay rights.
An oblique token gesture to the gay and lesbian community does not make her Gay friendly
We need leaders that openly acknowledge the gay and lesbian community. Not as an electoral gimmick but from a genuine standpoint that has a long history of evidence to support it