Abomination Speak

This AS post is dedicated to Robert Richie for reminding us we're not accepted and it's no time to get lazy. Since your newspaper regularly publishes articles and letters supportive of homosexuality, I feel obliged to write in opposition to…

Bravo Mexico

Mexico's national campaign against homophobia (by the Health Ministry's anti-AIDS agency) starts to spread their anti-homophobic message across the land. MEXICO CITY - "You look so in love, my darling," a mother tells her son in a radio commercial that…

Ben L’ven

Ronny Almog's play, Somewhere In Between (Ben L'ven), talks about gender and sexual identities in a series of short scenes, each offering a different take on the subject. It's been running all over the country since its successful debut at…

Bollywood Gets Queer

Indian films provoke more than entertainment over at touches on how queer is gaining popularity in Bollywood. The increasing psychoanalyses of Bollywood underway clearly indicate that it is being taken more and more seriously. Lavina says Thomas Waugh at Concordia…