5 Gay men in OKC that have committed suicide in the last 2 months 34-52.

Hearing of another gay person taking his life. Something is really going on in the actual gay part of the community that has kind of been ignored with the 30 to 50 age group. I think it has to do with a generation that will walk into a club and hear Cardi B. No longer can you have a spiritual taking your problems to the dancefloor with gay diva soul music. Gay church as we called it. They are expected to be more successful then the younger generation and have the non-stop page views of social media standards. You can’t meet anyone in a normal way as easily at a club you get on an app and probably get rejected or reject in what seems as an eternity of heartless interactions. It gets hard to meet friends who can do things with you as you grow apart and have different senses of things that satisfy you. People really do not try to meet in the middle and plan things. When you do get into a huge gay group of friends they are mostly back-stabbing trash-talking fake groups that really do not have each others back they are just there to f*ck your man or use you for drinks.

The Popular Gay Jocks & Twinks

Friends come and go but most of these big friend groups seem to throw people out like bathwater once new groupies come into the mix. It’s always the jockish guys that are normally like this I have noticed as you see the SAME looking group in each city. Many of us have had friends that would call crying telling me how fake their friends are. These people are mostly still alive and they are living their BEST life it seems while the people they stopped reaching out to have left us.

No one wants to be seen with you when you start looking older or if you “fell from Grace” and had one bad thing after another happen to you. Most gays seem to have bipolar disorder and experience depression more than straight guys do. Straight guys have families and babies and the kids are what help build a deeper connection with their partners. Gays on the other hand have dogs that don’t live as long. When gays do get into a relationship it normally has to be an open one causing all kinds of issues of trust. The biggest trust issue is normally back to those homojocks.

Growing Older with No Boyfriend

For this generation of gays they don’t like using Grindr or Scruff it becomes annoying and they certainly cannot imagine such a thing for a relationship. The biggest hearted caring people are the ones that are too shy to go out to clubs unless they have been drinking, they are too fearful of rejection to set up a dating app, they are too embarrassed to ask their friends if they have any that are still lingering around to set them up with somebody.

Over 30 Gays Feel The Community Only Cares about Trans and Queer Youth

Many gays in their 30s, 40s, and 50s just feel left out because of the barriers to meet new people. When you reach a certain age you lose best friends and family to either different political views or people passing. It gets so much harder to make new connections and feel vibes with others. The LGBTQ community had done a good job the past decade in reaching out to queer youth and trans people but many over 30 gays are starting to feel left out. Possibly more support groups and programs are needed to prevent so many lives being lost to depression.