Hillary Mentions the HIV Word
Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, Ron Paul, and Mike Huckabee all came on live today to speak to students on a special MTV pre-Super Tuesday program. I enjoyed watching Ron Paul speak especially about the fact that Hemp can be used…
OKC Pride Moving to Friday?
The folks over at the Oklahoma City Pride this year have done something I think is crazy they have moved the pride from a Sunday to a Friday. What on earth are these people thinking? The reasoning was so people…
Super Tuesday Decision
Super Tuesday is now just days away. A few states’ primaries have already passed. Have you made your decision yet? Sadly, I haven’t. I have pondered, considered, mused and fumed. I simply do not like the available options, particularly in…
HIV Funding: Too much money going to abstinence instead of those who need it
HIV funding, both on a national and international scale, is a significant issue to many of us within the queer community. Sadly, far too many of us have been personally touched by this. While even the current administration has increased…
Gay Writers Needed
If you are over 18 and have excellent writing skills and enjoy to write or blog we would love to hear from you. We are looking for a GLBT perspective on current events, politics, health, fashion, dating, and money. We…
Red Bull Vodka Anyone?
I figured since it was a time for new years resolutions and being somewhat healthier we could dive into energy drinks. The media has long hated energy drinks when mixed with alcohol and some laws have even been passed. So…
Person Of The Year
The Person of the Year should be a tie between Anna Nicole Smith, Britney Spears, Ron Paul, and Hillary Clinton. Then again there were other influencers who made the year grand including Keith Olbermann, Ellen DeGeneris, and then Madonna and…
Did Tila Tequila Pick Bobby or Dani?
Move over who shot JR this is much more I admit I got addicted to this crazy 'Tequila' show on accident just by turning channels in my hotel room one night. I was amazed first that my hotel had MTV…
Fun Gag Gift Ideas
Be the life of the party with these great gag gifts! The mission here is to find a Christmas present that is fun or one you can use for the best Dirty Santa gift. Sounds simple doesn’t it? But I…
Vote For Huckabee?
When it comes to the Republican presidential candidates I normally watch their debates as often as the Dems. I find it interesting their views on things such as taxes, social security, gay rights, and of course the endless war in…